I've been struggling for a week now on creating new tables and updating the TypeORM entities on the backend. We're using NestJS, GraphQL, and TypeORM with a PSQL database. We have a production server/database setup with clients' information saved already. I'm trying to add a new table to the database using a code-first approach to generate schema. On the master branch of the repo, I start it up in my local environment, and connect to a clean database. Once I create accounts, and save information to the tables, I then switch to a new branch that contains the code for implementing the new table, including the module, service, entity, and resolver. If I try to run this branch and connect to the same database I was using on master, it fails to compile, fails to generate a schema.gql file, and stops at "GraphQLModule dependencies initialized." This new table that I created has a ManyToOne relationship with the Teams table, that already has values contained in it. For some reason, I think TypeORM is failing to update the database properly, and I don't know why. If I create a new database, and connect to the new database on the branch with the new table code, it works just fine, and no errors are thrown. Problem is if I connect to the original database, no error is thrown, but the code fails to compile, and I don't know how to debug it.
Has anyone had any issue adding new tables to their PSQL database using TypeORM, Nest, and GraphQL?
Here are some code snippets showing what I mean:
Entity for Waiver Table (exists on the old database already)
@Entity({ name: 'waivers' })
export class WaiverEntity extends BaseEntity {
@Field(() => ID)
id: string;
@Field(() => AccountEntity)
() => AccountEntity,
creator => creator.waivers,
{ onDelete: 'SET NULL' },
creator: Promise<AccountEntity>;
@Field(() => TeamEntity)
() => TeamEntity,
team => team.waivers,
{ onDelete: 'CASCADE' },
team: Promise<TeamEntity>;
@Field(() => ID)
@Column({ nullable: true })
creatorId: string;
@Field(() => ID)
@Column({ nullable: true })
teamId: string;
organizer: Organizer;
event: Event;
@Column('json', { nullable: true })
eventDate: EventDate;
@Field({ nullable: true })
includeEmergencyContact: boolean;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ nullable: true })
customerLabel: string;
@Field(() => CustomEntity, { nullable: true, defaultValue: [] })
@Column('jsonb', { nullable: true })
intensity: CustomEntity;
@Field(() => [CustomEntity], { nullable: true, defaultValue: [] })
@Column('jsonb', { nullable: true })
activities: CustomEntity[];
@Field({ defaultValue: waiverStatus.DRAFT, nullable: false })
@Column({ default: waiverStatus.DRAFT, nullable: false })
status: string;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ type: 'varchar', nullable: true })
title: string;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ nullable: true })
body: string;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ nullable: true, default: signatureDefaultContent })
signatureContent: string;
@Field(() => [String], { nullable: true })
@Column('simple-array', { nullable: true })
ageGroup: string[];
@Field(() => [AdditionalFields], { nullable: false, defaultValue: [] })
@Column('jsonb', { nullable: true })
additionalFields: AdditionalFields[];
@Field({ nullable: false })
@Column({ nullable: false })
step: number;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ nullable: true, unique: true })
pdfURL: string;
cleanUpBeforeUpdate(): void {
// add Prefix on retrieval
if (this.organizer && this.organizer.photoURL) {
try {
const photoUrls = this.organizer.photoURL.split(
this.organizer.photoURL =
photoUrls.length > 1 ? photoUrls[1] : this.organizer.photoURL;
} catch (e) {}
updateURLs(): void {
// add Prefix on retrieval
this.pdfURL = this.pdfURL
? `${getBucketPrefix(
: null;
if (this.organizer) {
this.organizer.photoURL = this.organizer.photoURL
? `${getBucketPrefix(
: null;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ type: 'timestamp', nullable: true })
publishDate: Date;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ nullable: true, unique: true })
slug: string;
@Field(() => [DownloadEntity], { nullable: true })
() => DownloadEntity,
downloadEntity => downloadEntity.waiver,
waiverDownloads: Promise<DownloadEntity[]>;
@Field({ defaultValue: 0 })
downloadCount: number;
@Field(() => [WaiverMembersEntity])
() => WaiverMembersEntity,
waiverMember => waiverMember.account,
accountConnection: Promise<WaiverMembersEntity[]>;
@Field(() => [WaiverConsentsEntity])
() => WaiverConsentsEntity,
waiverMember => waiverMember.waiver,
consent: Promise<WaiverConsentsEntity[]>;
@Field(() => [AccountEntity])
waiverMember: AccountEntity[];
@Field(() => [ParticipantsEntity])
() => ParticipantsEntity,
participant => participant.waiver,
participants: ParticipantsEntity[];
@Field({ defaultValue: 0 })
totalResponses: number;
eventName: string;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ type: 'varchar', nullable: true })
smsContent: string;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ nullable: true })
smsCode: string;
@Column({ type: 'timestamp', default: () => timeStamp })
createdAt: Date;
type: 'timestamp',
default: () => timeStamp,
onUpdate: timeStamp,
lastUpdatedAt: Date;
And here is the new entity waiver templates, which has a ManyToOne relationship to the teams table, and exists on the new branch
@Entity({ name: 'waiverTemplates' })
export class WaiverTemplateEntity extends BaseEntity {
@Field(() => ID)
id: string;
@Field(() => TeamEntity)
() => TeamEntity,
team => team.waiverTemplates,
{ onDelete: 'CASCADE', eager: true },
team: Promise<TeamEntity>;
@Field(() => ID)
@Column({ nullable: true })
teamId: string;
event: Event;
eventDate: EventDate;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ nullable: true })
includeEmergencyContact: boolean;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ nullable: true })
customerLabel: string;
@Field(() => CustomEntity, { nullable: true, defaultValue: [] })
@Column('jsonb', { nullable: true })
intensity: CustomEntity;
@Field(() => [CustomEntity], { nullable: true, defaultValue: [] })
@Column('jsonb', { nullable: true })
activities: CustomEntity[];
@Field({ defaultValue: waiverStatus.DRAFT, nullable: false })
@Column({ default: waiverStatus.DRAFT, nullable: false })
status: string;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ type: 'varchar', nullable: true })
title: string;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ nullable: true })
body: string;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ nullable: true, default: signatureDefaultContent })
signatureContent: string;
@Field(() => [String], { nullable: true })
@Column('simple-array', { nullable: true })
ageGroup: string[];
@Field(() => [AdditionalFields], { nullable: false, defaultValue: [] })
@Column('jsonb', { nullable: true })
additionalFields: AdditionalFields[];
eventName: string;
And finally, here is the teams table, which also exists on the old branch. This is the code from the new branch, which contains a new OneToMany relationship to the WaiverTemplateEntity.
@Entity({ name: 'teams' })
export class TeamEntity extends BaseEntity {
@Field(() => ID)
id: string;
title: string;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column('varchar', { nullable: true })
taxID?: string;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column(simpleJSON, { nullable: true })
type: CustomEntity;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column('varchar', { nullable: true })
description?: string;
@Field(() => AccountEntity, { nullable: false })
() => AccountEntity,
accountEntity => accountEntity.organization,
{ nullable: true, onDelete: 'SET NULL' },
creator: AccountEntity;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ nullable: true })
creatorId: string;
@Field(() => BillingEntity, { nullable: true })
() => BillingEntity,
billingEntity => billingEntity.team,
{ cascade: true },
billingInformation: Promise<BillingEntity>;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column('varchar', { nullable: true })
photoURL?: string;
@Field({ defaultValue: false })
@Column({ default: false })
nonProfitFreemium: boolean;
updateURLs(): void {
// add Prefix on retrieval
this.photoURL = this.photoURL
? `${getBucketPrefix(
: null;
@Field(() => [CardEntity], { nullable: true })
() => CardEntity,
cardEntity => cardEntity.holder,
{ cascade: true },
cards: Promise<CardEntity[]>;
@Field({ nullable: true, defaultValue: {} })
@Column(simpleJSON, { nullable: true })
location?: LocationEntity;
@Field({ nullable: true, defaultValue: {} })
@Column(simpleJSON, { nullable: true })
contact?: ContactEntity;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ nullable: true })
numberOfEmployees?: string;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ nullable: true })
stripeId?: string;
@Column({ type: 'timestamp', default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6)' })
createdAt: Date;
type: 'timestamp',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6)',
lastUpdatedAt: Date;
@Field(() => [InvitationEntity])
() => InvitationEntity,
invitationEntity => invitationEntity.team,
invitations: Promise<InvitationEntity[]>;
@Field(() => [WaiverEntity])
() => WaiverEntity,
waiver => waiver.team,
waivers: Promise<WaiverEntity[]>;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ default: () => 0 })
credits: number;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ default: () => false })
autoReload: boolean;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ default: () => 0 })
autoReloadAmount: number;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ default: () => 0 })
autoReloadMinAmount: number;
@Field({ nullable: true })
@Column({ type: 'float', default: 0.0 })
fixedWaiverPrice: number;
@Field(() => [TransactionEntity])
() => TransactionEntity,
transaction => transaction.team,
transactions: Promise<TransactionEntity[]>;
@Field(() => [WaiverTemplateEntity])
() => WaiverTemplateEntity,
waiverTemplate => waiverTemplate.team,
waiverTemplates: Promise<WaiverTemplateEntity[]>;
I know there's a lot of columns in the tables, but the ones to pay attention to are the relationships between the Teams table and the WaiverTemplates table. This is the only thing I changed in the entities, and what I think may be responsible for me being unable to connect to the previous database on this new branch. If you want to see my service, resolver, or modules, please ask. I don't believe they are causing any issues, because if I connect to a new database, everything compiles and works as intended, no errors are thrown. I'm really just looking for any insight on how to debug this problem.