I have a form builder in Angular with a custom validation but I am not able to get type of the file after I read it in my custom validation.
Here is the stackblitz:
TS File
function checkFileType(
control: AbstractControl
): { [key: string]: any } | null {
const files: File = control.value;
const errors: string[] = [];
if (files) {
if (files.type === "txt") {
errors.push(`${files[0].name} has an invalid type of unknown\n`);
console.log(files.type); //This is always null. How can I get file type
return errors.length >= 1 ? { invalid_type: errors } : null;
return null;
onSelection($event) {
const fileReader = new FileReader();
const file = $event.target.files[0];
fileReader.onload = () => {
file: fileReader.result