
In my flutter app i have set a *.PNG image as splash screen or starup screen to be shown when this app starts but it is not being shown in high quality and i have tried to set another high quality image then image spreads outside of the screen (kind of over zoomed) but i have seen many app's flash screen is in good quality, i have seen Splash Screen logo displayed is of poor quality i am seeking if there is another easy way to do so please let me know thanks

Things i am using (Flutter, on vscode, for android, on windows 10)

You have mentioned you saw that solution in other question. What is the problem with it then?Zankrut Parmar
is there any other easy way?Anil Shrivastav
Use vector image.OMi Shah

1 Answers


Using a static png file will almost always give you such problems. You need to consider different screen sizes and dpi for different devices. If you still want to use your own png convert it into svg with this site https://picsvg.com/ and convert it into material usable icon with this site https://android-material-icon-generator.bitdroid.de/. It is easy and will save you much effort.