
Looking to extract the author name from articles. Currrently using =IMPORTXML(G2,"//*[@class='author-details']")

When I do this, it creates 4 cells underneath which contain the word 'By', which I can't get rid of.

Very new to code - what am I doing wrong?

Attached example: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mi1D5G1-_gNsQwVQ6I_ealDqcWixKA2p-hFqJpjlGt4/edit?usp=sharing


1 Answers


You can use:


This displays only the first row of the second column of what is returned. The information You are after.


Additionally, since you highlighted that you want author name. If all the names are in that format "By FIRST LAST @TwitterHandle Affiliation" then you can use this to get just the author's name:


Will likely look like voodoo but paste it in, it works. It removes the first 3 characters ("By "), splits the text at the "@" symbol, and then keeps only the text on the left side of it, the name.