From the Azure QnA Maker documentation:
In the QnA Maker portal (, when you open the test-pane, you will see an option to Display short answer on the top. This option will be selected by-default. When you enter a query in the test pane, you will see a short-answer along with the answer passage, if there is a short answer present in the answer passage (see this image for context).
Now, what I want to do is disable the displaying of the short answer from the actual chatbot itself (so that only the long answer is displayed), not just in the test pane in
In knowledge base creation in, I created a QnA pair, with "Hello" as a question and "Hello 123" as an answer. Saving and training the knowledge base, and publishing it, pushes the knowledgebase changes and the endpoint becomes available for use in my Bot.
Testing this new QnA pair from the Azure Portal via the Test in Web Chat feature in my QnA Web App bot is displaying some weird behaviour: supplying the bot with the phrase "Hello" returns a short answer "123" and a long answer "Hello 123" and this long answer seems to formatted in some weird way. . Supplying the bot with the phrase "123" returns only the full answer "Hello 123" (see here).
Displaying both short and long answers may be disruptive and confusing for the user. This seems to happen for almost all QnA pairs that I've tested. Is there some sort of configuration setting to disable this behaviour?