
I hope you can assist me in this matter, I have to compare one month as a baseline between the next months, this my formula in DAX PowerBI as the baseline:

BaseLine Formula DQ_BASELINE_DEC = CALCULATE([TotalNumError], FILTER (Dates, YEAR(Dates[Date]) = 2020 && MONTH(Dates[Date]) = 12 ) )

The next formula for the current year and month: TotalNumError_YTD = CALCULATE(SUM(DQ_CUS[NumErrors]), FILTER(Dates, YEAR(Dates[Date]) = 2021 && MONTH(Dates[Date]) in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} ) )

the expected output with percentage is this but I don’t get the next percentages comparing December 2020 with the rest of months:

enter image description here

DAX Formula for getting % DQ_%_TEST = DIVIDE([TotalNumError],[DQ_BASELINE_DEC],BLANK())

Can anybody help me in this matter?



1 Answers


For calculating the baseline try using some of the time intelligence functions. In your case SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR should do the trick. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dax/sameperiodlastyear-function-dax