I'm creating a Azure Automation runbook to generate a report on the patch status of the virtual machines under a management group.
The query used is as below
union Update , workspace('xxxx').Operation,workspace('yyyy').Operation
| where TimeGenerated > ago(10d)
| where Classification in ("Security Updates", "Critical Updates", "Critical and security updates") and ResourceType == "virtualMachines"
| summarize updates=makeset(Title) by Computer,Classification, UpdateState,Product, PublishedDate, MSRCSeverity
| order by UpdateState
$result = Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsQuery -WorkspaceId $WorkspaceID -Query $query
here I need to query log analytics workspace from different subscriptions under the same management group.. Run As Account has RBAC set to "Log Analytics Reader" at management group level. But the query results is empty record set, Same query fetches records when its executed on the Log Analytics workspace directly.
Any guidance on what I'm missing here will be a great help. Thank you