I have table_1 and table_2 as below:
ID name qty
1 ball 34
2 pen 45
5 ham 22
4 van 1
9 phone 200
table_2 with changed_qty
ID name changed_qty
1 ball 70
5 ham 400
9 phone 89
I want to join table_1 and table_2 based on columns ['ID', 'name'] such that if ID and name are not available in the 2nd table, then I want to retain table_1 row itself. If ID and name are available in table_2, then I want to pull the qty column from the second table.
Expected results:
ID name qty
1 ball 70
2 pen 45
5 ham 400
4 van 1
9 phone 89
Normal left join wouldn't provide me the expected results.
df_final = df_table_1.join(df_table_2, ['ID', 'name'], how="left")