I got the message when resteasy-reactive project.
(build-70) [io.quarkus.resteasy.common.deployment.ResteasyCommonProcessor] null: Quarkus detected the need for Mutiny reactive programming support, however the quarkus-resteasy-mutiny extension was not present. I used quarkus-resteasy-reactive-jackson with below dependency.
In my understanding if I added resteasy-reactive-jackson, then it includes automatically .
So, I don't need add "quarkus-resteasy-mutiny" extension, although I use Uni/Multi.
Could you please let me know to remove this "WARN", when I see RestEasyCommonProcessor" code, it is checked RESTEASY_MUTINY for capability, but seems like need to check other way which can be used for smallrye reactive PS I used "quarkus-keycloak-admin-client" for other purpose, seems because of this issue?