
I have an old Oracle 9i r2 database. The last JDBC driver that I managed to make work with it is ojdbc6 This keeps me stuck to SQL Developer 4.0.3. I would like to benefit from features of newer versions of SQL Developer. But they use newer driver like ojdbc8.

Is there a way to use old drivers with new versions of SQL Developer? The option to add third party JDBC drivers only work to add drivers for other databases like db2 or sql server.

I tried to delete the recent driver and replace it by an older one but SQL Developer malfunctions.

That's not supportedthatjeffsmith
Is there any previous versions archive where I can download 4.x versions? Oracle site has only 20.x links and google can find a link to 3.2.2.Gustavo
It would be better to put effort in upgrading that databasethatjeffsmith
Maybe. But for now and old SQL Developer is enough.Gustavo

1 Answers


For SQL Developer version 20.2.0 on Windows 10 do:

  1. Download and unzip SQL Developer version 20.2.0

  2. Download and unzip Oracle Instant Client

  3. Configure SQL Developer to use above instant client:

    • Tools > Preferences... > Database > Advanced
    • Mark "Use Oracle Client" > Configure...
    • In "Client Type" select "Instant Client"
    • In "Client Location" point to where you unziped instant client
    • Click "Test...". The log panel should show something like

    Testing loading Oracle JDBC driver ... OK

    Testing checking Oracle JDBC driver version ... OK

    • OK > restart SQL Developer

    enter image description here

  4. Configure connection:

    • Just create a normal connection
    • In "Advanced" tab add the key oracle.jdbc.timezoneAsRegion with value false. This avoids

    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1

    ORA-01882: timezone region not found

    enter image description here

This procedure enables you to use a more recent SQL Developer version with an old Oracle 9i r2 without hanging on connect or getting

ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested

every time you click something.