So I have been looking for a day or so now on a way to get microsoft teams installed on workstations. This is my code that I have used to write scripts for many other MSI's and Exe's. I got this file from microsofts documentation for installing teams
$file = C:\Teams_windows_x64.msi
$Arguments = @( "/i" (' "{0}" ' -f $file.fullname) "/quiet" "/norestart" 'OPTIONS="noAutoStart=true" ' "ALLUSERS=1" )
Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait -NoNewWindow
when i do this for just about any other MSI or EXE ill get it to work. However, I have not been able to get this to work at all. All it does is await more input after I press enter. I do know that there is a microsoft teams module but id prefer not to use that. I know that this may be a weird way of having a collection of arguments but this is how ive always done it. Thank you
Edit: thought I should mention that the reason why im trying to install it with a file already on the computer is because i use DattoRMM and they have a way for you to upload the file you wanna use and then reference it in the script. but im trying to get it to work on my local computer first.
msiexec /I "C:\Teams_windows_x64.msi" /quiet /no restart
should be all you really need. – Abraham Zinalamsiexec.exe /i Teams_windows_x64.msi ALLUSERS=1 OPTIONS="noAutoStart=true" /qn /norestart
I have seen elsewhere. – Stein Åsmul