
I am trying to load 1 million records from Delta table in Databricks to Azure SQL database using the recently released connector by Microsoft supporting Python API and Spark 3.0.

Performance does not really look awesome to me. It takes 19 minutes to load 1 million records. Below is the code which I am using. Do you think I am missing something here?

Configurations: 8 Worker nodes with 28GB memory and 8 cores. Azure SQL database is a 4 vcore Gen5 .

  df.write \
    .format("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.spark") \
    .mode("overwrite") \
    .option("url", url) \
    .option("dbtable", "lending_club_acc_loans") \
    .option("user", username) \
    .option("password", password) \
    .option("tableLock", "true") \
    .option("batchsize", "200000") \
    .option("reliabilityLevel", "BEST_EFFORT") \
except ValueError as error :
    print("Connector write failed", error)

Is there something I can do to boost the performance?

enter image description here

Have you identified if this is at the Databricks or the Azure SQL side? What do you see as Wait Types in SQL when you run this? You could simply be throttled by the Log Throughput on the SQL side - in which case the resolution is to scale up your SQL DB for the duration of the load then scale down againMartin Cairney
I am not sure Martin where the problem is. I don't think scaling the DB would make any diff as the database is a really powerful one. The I/O on the DB is really low and under control. So am assuming that the problem is on the Databricks end. Something to do with the options here.Mayank Srivastava
Are you certain about the database? Have a look at the following youtube.com/… start from 1:39:00 to get the info on Log Rate Governance which can still occur even if the CPU consumption and Data I/O looks lowMartin Cairney
Ok. So did what you said. Kinda helps... The CPU and memory wait times are very low and acceptable. But the Network Io wait time is pretty high.Mayank Srivastava
I just added the screenshot on the question..Mayank Srivastava

1 Answers


Repartition the data frame. Earlier I had single partition on my source data frame which upon re-partition to 8 helped improve the performance.