
I'm running into an issue trying to delete an item from a store. I have a route /view/:id and am using that id to access a value from a custom writable store (items). I wrote a simple selector method to retrieve the item data based on the id, and have created a reactive $: item variable to listen for changes (items can be edited in this view). Here are the details from my <script>

// ItemView.svelte
export let params: { id?: string } = {};
import { push } from "svelte-spa-router";
import { items } from "./stores/items";

$: [item] = items.select($items, params.id);

function handleDelete() {
  if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this item?")) {

When I call handleDelete, I get the following error:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: can't access property "type", ctx[0] is undefined
    update bundle.js:3796
    update index.mjs:764
    flush index.mjs:732
    promise callback*schedule_update index.mjs:707
    make_dirty index.mjs:1442
    ctx index.mjs:1477
    7 bundle.js:3898
    set index.mjs:35
    update index.mjs:43
    delete items.ts:59
    handleDelete ItemView.svelte:17

If I wrap items.delete(item.id) in a timeout, then everything works (5ms did the trick), but that doesn't seem right. I don't have a lot of experience with Svelte, but it feels like the issue is with the reactive variable unsubscribing. Should I be getting the single item data differently? Do I need to manually unsubscribe from the store before navigating?

I tried calling unsubscribe manually, but that didn't work either:

export let params: { id?: string } = {};
import { push } from "svelte-spa-router";
import { items } from "./stores/items";
import { onDestroy } from "svelte";

let item;

const unsubscribe = items.subscribe(
  (value) => (item = items.select(value, params.id)[0])

function handleDelete() {
  if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this item?")) {
    unsubscribe(); // <- Here


That gave me the following error:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: stop is not a function
    subscribe index.mjs:58
    run index.mjs:18
    run_all index.mjs:24
    destroy_component index.mjs:1431
    update bundle.js:918

I'm not committed to any of the code I posted; I just want to be able to view a single item, and delete it and navigate away.

could you also post your store code ?Stephane Vanraes
Maybe you are making it more complicated then necessary. Try this to get the item $: item = $items.find(o => o.id == params.id); and this to delete it $items = $items.splice($items.findIndex(o => o.id == params.id), 1);Molda
@Molda That looks like it would work. My select function provides some additional ordering utilities that I would prefer not to lose.SeanMcP

1 Answers


I learned that ctx in the error message referred to the right-hand side of the reactive variable assignment. In this instance, that was the return from my select method: items.select($items, params.id).

ctx[0] is the first item in that array, or the variable that I created by destructuring: $: [item].

So when Svelte said ctx[0] is undefined, it meant that there was no first entry in the ctx array; item was undefined (because it had been deleted).

I thought there was something important about the property "type", but it ended up just being the first key on item that I was trying to access in my markup: {item.type}. Trying to access any property would have failed.

By wrapping everything in an {#if item} condition, I was able to resolve the error:

<!-- ItemView.svelte -->
{# if item}
<p>Type: {item.type}</p>

I wouldn't recommend any of the above as a good pattern to follow. But if you are looking to resolve a similar issue, consider this solution.