
As part of a new development work I have a git repo that is forked in Azure DevOps. Instead of forking the repo into a new project it is forked into the same project. I want to know if it is possible to move the forked repo into a new Azure DevOps project with keeping the link to the original repo.

This is because there are already changes made to the forked one and we do not want to loose this, but we also want to be able to merge changes between the repos.

A clone does not work, because then the link is gone and forking the fork puts an extra step in between when wanting to merge commits between the repos.

Hi @Marco, You could try jessehouwing answer and kindly share the result here, If this answer is helpful, you could feel free to accept it as the answer. Have a nice day. :)Vito Liu

2 Answers


What you can do here:

  1. Fork the original repository again to a the desired project.
  2. git clone --mirror the old forked repo.
  3. git push --mirror the push to the new forked repo (if needed with --force)

This will move over the contents of the old forked git repo to the new project and the fork relationship will already be there.


We cannot do this, we could fork the repo to another project and move repo to another project via clone URL and import feature, but we cannot move the fork repo to another project and protect the fork relationship.

enter image description here