I am getting this error when trying to build a Clojurescript project with shadow-cljs. I've tried looking for syntax errors as described here but I can get the same the error with a single line and a single import although not all imports cause the same error.
This compiles:
(ns campfire.core)
(defn init [] (println "ok"))
This doesn't:
(ns campfire.core
(:require ["bugout" :as b]))
(defn init [] (println "ok"))
The output from the above example is:
shadow-cljs - config: /home/ru/Projects/campfire/shadow-cljs.edn
shadow-cljs - HTTP server available at http://localhost:3000
shadow-cljs - server version: 2.11.18 running at http://localhost:9630
shadow-cljs - nREPL server started on port 8777
shadow-cljs - watching build :frontend
[:frontend] Configuring build.
[:frontend] Compiling ...
[:frontend] Build failure:
The required JS dependency "readable-stream/writable.js" is not available, it was required by "node_modules/stream-browserify/index.js".
Dependency Trace:
Searched for npm packages in:
See: https://shadow-cljs.github.io/docs/UsersGuide.html#npm-install
"name": "campfire",
"version": "0.0.1",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"build": "shadow-cljs release frontend"
"devDependencies": {
"shadow-cljs": "2.11.18"
"dependencies": {
"bugout": "^0.0.10",
"webtorrent": "^0.114.1"
:dev-http {3000 "public"}
:nrepl {:port 8777}
{:target :browser
:modules {:main {:init-fn campfire.core/init}}}}}
I've seen similar build errors that were fixed by clearing .shadow-cljs etc and rebuilding but nothing like that seems to be helping. I'm new to shadow so apologies if this is something obvious. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here?
So it looks like what's happening is that stream-browserify 2.0.2
requires readable stream ^2.0.2
which npm installs in the nested node_modules folder. Elsewhere readable-stream 3.6.0
is being installed in top level node_modules. Shadow is trying to resolve writer.js
against the 3.6.0 version of readable stream instead of the 2.0.2 version.
Confusingly though, stream-browserify isn't a dependency of cipher-base as given in the dependency trace but of node-libs-browser which is itself a dependency of shadow-cljs.
Is it possible that this is a bug in shadow or is it expected behaviour?
Update 2
I've created an example repo that replicates what I'm seeing as simply as I can here.