I'm trying to setup a complete CI server, but I struggle on some points.
Currently, my system work as follow :
I commit local changes on my local GIT repository, then push to the GIT repository on the CI server
I then have a jenkins job triggered by the SCM change, who run a clean install and by doing so executes all my Junit and Jstestdriver test (via a local jstd server). This job deploy the snapshot artifact to a repository on my nexus repository
I installed M2-release-plugin for jenkins, and setup my pom.xml accordingly using maven-release-plugin. When i click on "Perform maven release" in jenkins job page, jenkins run mvn release:prepare release:perform, thus creating a tag in my git repo (say v000001) and deploying a versionned artifact on my nexus repository.
I don't really know if this process is fine, but i guess so...
My problem is that I want to deliver the versionned artifact in my nexus repo (say "artifact-v0000001.war") in my production tomcat. But I can't figure out how to do it.
When I do "mvn release:prepare release:perform tomcat:deploy" it deploys the new SNAPSHOT artifact built ... I don't want to do this, I want to reuse the artifact from the nexus repository.
Is there a way to doing this using a tool (maven/jenkins plugin, or external)?
Basically, I want to fetch the last release artifact on the repository, and send it to the tomcat manager for dereploying the webapp.
Do I need to setup a delivery job separated from the release job?