I have data with multiple observations per row that I would like to tidy.
The data is the Relative Spectral Response (RSR) for a collection of satellite sensors. I made a toy dataset that is representative of the actual data here. Each sensor/band has two columns, one with the range of wavelengths on which it was tested ("Wvln(nm)"), and one with the response of that sensor ("RSR"). In my toy data band 1 has a strong response to 500 nm, and band 2 has a strong response to 600 nm.
rsr_toy <- tibble::tribble(
~`Band 1`, ~`...2`, ~`Band 2`, ~`...4`,
"Wvln(nm)", "RSR", "Wvln(nm)", "RSR",
"500", "0.9", "500", "0.01",
"600", "0.12", "600", "0.8"
# remove the first row containing metadata
rsr1 <- rsr_toy %>%
slice(-1) %>%
janitor::clean_names("small_camel") %>%
# # A tibble: 2 x 4
# band1 x2 band2 x4
# <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 500 0.9 500 0.01
# 2 600 0.12 600 0.8
I want to tidy the data, so each observation gets its own row, like so:
# desired outcome:
~sensor, ~wavelength, ~rsr,
"band1", 500, 0.9,
"band1", 600, 0.12,
"band2", 500, 0.01,
"band2", 600, 0.8
# # A tibble: 4 x 3
# sensor wavelength rsr
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 band1 500 0.9
# 2 band1 600 0.12
# 3 band2 500 0.01
# 4 band2 600 0.8
How to simply accomplish this using tidyr?
you could pivot it likersr1 %>% pivot_longer(everything(), names_to=c(".value","sensor"), names_pattern="(.+)(\\d+)")
- is there any chance a little cleaning can be done on the names ahead of time? – thelatemail