I am having springfox swagger2 where http://localhost:8080/context/swagger-ui.html works fine.
Now I have modified all the changes to make it open-api runnable.
Using : Migrating from springfox swagger2 to springdoc openapi
Now I can open my service definition json by using group name like below:
but unable to open swagger-ui.html like what i had earlier with springfox 2.0
Can you help me,how to open & what should be the url?
when I type http://localhost:8080/context/swagger-ui.html, it's creating new route like below & not opening anything,404 error.
Please note ,I have added swagger-ui.html in my project as it's added already for swagger 2.0
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
Please help to get swagger home screen so that I can test rest services