
. I am trying convert the above formula into VBA It is an index match formula to the table below. If the value of $F21 is 21 then the formula gives a result of 2. In VBA if variable wbcL is 21 then the variable wbcLscore should be 2.

enter image description here

I have tried VBA line below but it is obviously wrong and gives the error Invalid character at {

wbcLscore = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(wseng.Range("AL12:AL17"), Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(wbcL,{40;39.9;19.9;14.9;2.9;1}, -1))
Maybe wbcLscore = Evaluate("=INDEX(Engine!$AL$12:$AL$17,MATCH($F21,{40;39.9;19.9;14.9;2.9;1},-1))")? Not testedFoxfire And Burns And Burns
@FoxfireAndBurnsAndBurns Thanks that works but returns an incorrect result of 4. But even if it produced a correct result it would not help as the value of my variable, wbcL changes and is not always in cell F21.Anthony
How can that return 4, the value in the first column would surely be 39.9? I suppose you should clarify what is in AL12:AL17.SJR

1 Answers


Try something like this:

Sub SubwbcLscore()
    'Stuff i needed to make it work.
    Dim wseng As Worksheet
    Dim wbcL As Double
    Dim wbcLscore As String
    Set wseng = ActiveSheet
    wbcL = 40
    Dim Arr(1 To 6) As Double
    'Setting Arr.
    Arr(1) = 40
    Arr(2) = 39.9
    Arr(3) = 19.9
    Arr(4) = 14.9
    Arr(5) = 2.9
    Arr(6) = 1
    'Setting wbcLscore.
    wbcLscore = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(wseng.Range("AL12:AL17"), Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(wbcL, Arr, -1))
End Sub

The formula is the same, it just uses an array instead of your {40;39.9;19.9;14.9;2.9;1}.

If you don't want an extra array, something like this might work as well:

wbcLscore = Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro("INDEX(Engine!R12C38:R17C38,MATCH(Foglio1!R21C6,{40;39.9;19.9;14.9;2.9;1},-1))")

Mind the cell addresses: they have to be in R1C1 format (as specified in the Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro page). Then again: an array would be easier to edit.