I'm new to liquid coding while starting my own Shopify store (although I had some experience with coding). I'm currently stuck trying to get this code to function. I've added 3 text options in the liquid file for each variable. The idea is that when the criteria are met, it would display the appropriate text option. Please see the code string here for ref.
{% if section.settings.free_shipping_announcement_bar %}
{% assign promote_text = section.settings.promote_free_shipping_text | escape %}
{% assign unlocked_text = section.settings.unlocked_free_shipping_text | escape %}
{% assign unlocked_del_text = section.settings.unlocked_free_delivery_text | escape %}
{% assign threshold = section.settings.free_shipping_threshold | times: 100 %}
{% assign value_left = threshold | minus:cart.total_price %}
{% assign value_left_money = value_left | money %}
<div class="announcement-bar">
{% if value_left <= 0 %}
<p class="announcement-bar__message">{{unlocked_text}}</p>
{% elsif value_left >= 1 and value_left < 50 %}
<p class="announcement-bar__message">{{unlocked_del_text}}</p>
{% else %}
<p class="announcement-bar__message">{{promote_text | replace:'(value)' , value_left_money}}</p>
{% endif %}
basically, the idea is if the cart total is between $0-$99 I will show the "promote_text", if it's between $100-$149 it will show the "Unlocked_free_del_text"(free delivery), then at $150+ in the cart it shows "unlocked_text".
It currently shows the "promote_text" from $0-$149 then changes directly to the "unlocked_text" and skips the middle section for "unlocked_del_text"
my best assumption is that I'm using the elsif function wrong but I've trailed as many adjustments as I can think of without breaking the code, so any advice would be greatly appreciated!