
I have this kind of input JSON file for my Neo4J database :



As you can see, this is not a standard JSON format, because property names can be values too.

How can I read this with UNWIND, FOREACH and so on ? A one-liner CYPHER request is not mandatory.

For example, if I want to create nodes with (a:Actor {id,name}), if I try this :

WITH "file:///data.json" as json
CALL apoc.load.json(json) YIELD value
UNWIND value.list AS item
UNWIND item.actors AS actors
RETURN actors

I get

row1 :
  "45867": "Tutu",
  "74017": "Titi",
  "78901": "Tata",
  "88187": "Toto"
row 2 : 
  "42815": "Lala",
  "45867": "Tutu",

How can I get the id and the name to use them in the MERGE node cypher command ?


1 Answers


The keys function can help here. Elaborating on your initial query:

WITH "file:///data.json" as json
CALL apoc.load.json(json) YIELD value
UNWIND value.list AS item
UNWIND item.actors AS actors
// Extract map's keys, that will be the ID
WITH keys(actors) as keys, actors
// "loop" over keys
UNWIND keys as key
RETURN key as id, actors[key] as name

