
I feel like I have tried every possible combination of ways to report a crash on the firebase crashlytics console for the android side of my react-native application.

I have followed the rnfirebase setup instructions and triple checked that everything is where it should be: https://rnfirebase.io/crashlytics/android-setup

I have read in several forums that the app needs to be run in 'release' mode for the crash to be reported and then the app must be closed and opened once again for the report to be sent, I have done this multiple times:

firstly i've tried: ./gradlew installRelease

secondly I tried a method recommended in a github issue forum: ./gradlew assembleRelease adb install ./app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk

both methods ran on my emulator and I was able to use the crashlytics().crash() method to cause a crash, alas nothing appears in the console.

I have also added this into a firebase.json file in the root of my project like the docs explain:

  "react-native": {
    "crashlytics_debug_enabled": true

any help is greatly appreciated as I really don't know where the issue lies.

PS. I have registered my app with the FB console and enabled crashlytics


1 Answers


in firebase.json

  "react-native": {
    "crashlytics_disable_auto_disabler": true,
    "crashlytics_debug_enabled": true

make sure that crashanalytics sdk is installed/initialised follow: https://rnfirebase.io/crashlytics/android-setup