
I want to show KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) on my SharePoint. My Datasource will be my TFS (Azure DevOps). For example showing the planned and finished Tasks for a Sprint on SharePoint and generate a graph out of it.

I saw that in Microsoft PowerApps - which are integrateable in my SharePoint-View - there are DevOps-Connectors, but i didnt rly saw a possibility to aggregate my task-statistics (planned / finished in a sprint) and show them.


Writing a C#-Backend that has a TFS-Client running.

  1. Can I use this for a Power-App-CustomConnector?
  2. Is there another way to acess data in a PowerApp from a REST-API?
  3. Worst Case the Backend will have shedule to create and update SharePoint-Tables with my TFS-Stats

What is the best way to aggregate and show my tfs (azure devOps) statistics on my sharepoint page?

Hi there, is there any updates for this issue? Can Max Morrow's answer help you? Just a remind of this~Jane Ma-MSFT

1 Answers


I'd recommend using Power BI, I use it for my Azure DevOps KPIs. You should be able to embed your Power BI reports within SharePoint easily. Power BI has ready-made connectors for aggregating work item data via the new Analytics Views preview feature. You'll want to start by enabling it within your Preview Features:

Azure DevOps - Analytics Views

Once you have the feature enabled, create an analytics view that aggregates the data you'll use in Power BI (or use a default view):

After that, go ahead and open Power BI to connect to your Analytics View and start composing your KPI dashboard:

After you've finished your report, embed it within SharePoint: