
On Admin Woocommerce product pages, for variable products, on "Variations" settings, for all product variations, I would like to have Manage Stock option enabled by default with the Stock Quantity option set to 1.

Using Get Woocommerce to Manage Stock as a default answer code, I am able to do it for the default inventory tab (for the parent variable product).

I even tried Woocommerce: Creating variations - Manage stock checked by default answer code, but it didn't worked form me.

Any help will be appreciated.


1 Answers


For info, woocommerce_product_variation_get_manage_stock hook doesn't exist anymore.

Based on jQuery code, the following will enable Manage Stock and will set Stock Quantity to 1, for all product variations:

add_action( 'admin_footer', 'custom_admin_product_variations_js' );
function custom_admin_product_variations_js() {
    global $post_type;

    if ( 'product' === $post_type ) :
    ?><script type='text/javascript'>
    jQuery( function($) {
        $('#variable_product_options').on( 'change', function(){
            $('input.variable_manage_stock').each( function(){
                if( ! $(this).is(':checked') ){
                    $(this).attr('checked', 'checked').closest('div').find('.wc_input_stock').val(1);

Code goes in functions.php file of the active child theme (or active theme). Tested and works.