Question: Is it thread-safe to use static variables (as a shared storage between orchestrations) or better to save/retrieve data to durable-entity?
There are couple of azure functions in the same namespace: hub-trigger, durable-entity, 2 orchestrations (main process and the one that monitors the whole process) and activity. They all need some shared variables. In my case I need to know the number of main orchestration instances (start new or hold on). It's done in another orchestration (monitor)
I've tried both options and ask because I see different results.
Static variables: in my case there is a generic List, where SomeMyType holds the Id of the task, state, number of attempts, records it processed and other info. When I need to start new orchestration and List.Add(), when I need to retrieve and modify it I use simple List.First(id_of_the_task). First() - I know for sure needed task is there. With static variables I sometimes see that tasks become duplicated for some reason - I retrieve the task with List.First(id_of_the_task) - change something on result variable and that is it. Not a lot of code.
Durable-entity: the major difference is that I add List on a durable entity and each time I need to retrieve it I call for .CallEntityAsync("getTask") and .CallEntityAsync("saveTask") that might slow done the app. With this approach more code and calls is required however it looks more stable, I don't see any duplicates.
Please, advice