I'm moving from pure DDD paradigm to CQRS. My current concern is with Event Sourcing and, more specifically, organizing Event Store. I've read tons of blogs posts but still can't understand some things. So correct me if I'm wrong.
Each event basically consists of: - Event date/time - type of Event (we can figure out type of AggregateRoot from this as well) - AggregateRoot id (Guid) - AggregateRoot version (to maintain the order of updates) - Event data (some serialized class with data necessary to make update)
Now, if my Event data consists of simple value types (ints, strings, enums, etc.) then it's easy. But what if I have to pass another AggregateRoot? I can't serialize the whole AR as a part of Event data (think of all the data and lazy loading), basically I only need to store Id of that AR. But then, when I need to apply that event, I'd need to get that AR from database first. And it doesn't feel right to do so from my Domain Model (calling Repositories and working with AR Ids).
What's the best approach for this?
p.s. For a concrete example, let's assume there's a Model which consists of Task and User entities (both ARs). Task hold a reference to User responsible. But the responsible User can be changed.
Update: I think I've found the source of my confusion. I believe event sourcing should be used only for building read model. And in this case passing Ids and raw data is ok. But the same events used on aggregates themselves. And this I cannot understand.