Hey i'm trying to integrate SFML and Box2D, and SFML has made setting centers for sprites, shapes, etc. very easy. Box2D, on the other hand, I'm having trouble with as i can't figure out how to set or even find the center of a shape or fixture.
It seems to me that when adding vertices manually to a b2_PolygonShape the center is set to the first vertex in the vertex array, but the results are very different when using the shortcut functions SetAsBox() or any other SetAs__(). The Center is the middle of the shape, or half extent(s) of the box/shape.
I need to commonize box2D's and SFML's centering system, but i can't figure out how the local coordinate systems work for objects.
How do I set/get the centers of the many objects such as shapes, fixtures, bodies, etc. in Box2D?