I have a command that when invoked will take a list of user ids from a mongodb collection, a list of role names from a different mongodb collection and then works through these lists to see which roles need to be assigned to which ids.
I can get it to print out the correct ids that need the role but I just cannot get past the last step of actually assigning the role.
aliases =['arbe'],
description="Assign all members roles based on their Exp Points",
#usage='[Role Name]',
async def assignRolesByExp(self, ctx):
people = await self.bot.expAcc.get_all()
roles = await self.bot.stockroles.get_all()
for i in roles:
if i["expRequired"]>0:
for i in filtered_roles:
roll_to_add = []
role_name = i["_id"]
role_exp_required = i["expRequired"]
for i in people:
if i["expValue"]>= role_exp_required:
for i in roll_to_add:
user= ctx.guild.get_member(i)
await user.add_roles(role_name)
The error I get is: File "D:\WORK\DISCORD BOT\Tranquility\cogs\roles.py", line 339, in assignRolesByExp await user.add_roles(role_name) File "C:\Users\johnj\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\discord\member.py", line 676, in add_roles await req(guild_id, user_id, role.id, reason=reason) AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'id'