I have a Mac Book pro with macOs Catalina version 10.15. I recently installed android studio but I cant find the main menu bar which contains items such as - File, Edit, View, Code, Navigate, Build, Run, VCS, Window, Help etc
I have tried so many things like -
Shift (Twice) - Opens Settings - Type Main Menu (Under Actions) - Tick Include Disabled Options - The toggle for Main Menu seems to be "ON" and I cant switch it off or toggle
CMD + , - Keymap - Main Menu - View -Appearance Main Menu - Add Keyboard Shortcut - J - Apply - OK - I clicked J but nothing shows
Shift (Twice) - Opens Settings - Types Main Menu - Click on it - Click on View - Appearance - I only found "Toolbar", "Status Bar", "Navigation Bar"...etc I cant find Main Menu so I can mark/check it like others.
Downloaded Java For Mac Os 2017 - I tried to install but it said I already have the latest version installed