
I'm attempting to connect my raspberry Pi to a Parani SD1000 RS232 serial adapter. I have configured the Parani and I can successfully connect to it and retrieve data when using my Macbook. I would like to set up the connection using my raspberry pi. I have a raspberry Pi 3 model b+ 32 bit. I wrote a script that uses Pyserial and created a bind to the bluetooth device via sudo rfcomm bind /dev/rfcomm0 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX 1. However, when I use the Raspberry PI OS interface to connect to the bluetooth I get a message that 'Paired successfully, but this device has no services with can be used with the Raspberry Pi and the connection is aborted.

I've looked for other suggestions and tried updating my software as listed elsewhere. To no avail.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo rm /etc/udev/rules.d/99-com.rules
sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" install --reinstall raspberrypi-sys-mods
sudo systemctl reboot

I'm not sure which direction I should be looking. I know the Parani is configured correctly so it must be something on the raspberry. Thank you in advance


1 Answers


rfcomm was deprecated back in 2017 by the BlueZ project so I would recommend against using that methodology.

Python3 on Linux supports connecting to a Bluetooth Classic device with a Serial Port Profile (SPP) with its socket library.

There is more information in the following blog: https://blog.kevindoran.co/bluetooth-programming-with-python-3/

There is also support for SPP within the Bluedot Python library: https://www.stuffaboutcode.com/2017/07/python-bluetooth-rfcomm-client-server.html