
I have date dimension table and sales fact table.

Created a chart visual with date week on x axis and values as sum of salesamt.

In the filter pane added relative filter to the date. In the last 4 calendar weeks.

I have a measure that shows LASTDATE(DateTable[Date]) also on the report.

The last date is showing as 6 Feb 2021 (Saturday)

Same value when I select the latest week on x axis.

However when I choose any prior week on x axis, then the last date value is Sunday 31 Jan 2021.

Why does the current week last date show as 6th Jan 2021 (saturday) instead of 7th Jan 2021 (sunday)?


1 Answers


Currently, calendar week is defined Sunday to Saturday when it comes to filtering using relative dates. You can work around it by introducing additional column (basically date - 1 day) and set your relative filter on that.