
I am trying to get the SCNVector3 of specific nodes in my SceneKit game so that I can determine how my player interacts with them in each turn. I have this running after the player performs a move action but the location in the mapList of my "pushable blocks" stays the same even though they are in a different location in the game.

var mapList: [SCNNode] = []    

func mapLocationSave() {
        let pushableNode = self.gameScene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "Pushables", recursively: true)
        let wallNodes = gameScene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "Boxes", recursively: true)
        let coinNodes = gameScene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "Coins", recursively: true)
        for pushNode in pushableNode!.childNodes {
        for wallNode in wallNodes!.childNodes {
        for coinNode in coinNodes!.childNodes {
        for node in mapList {
            print(node.name!, node.worldPosition)

I suspect this is because I am not updating the mapList with the current in game locations and just looping through the gameScene.scn file?

I can't find any documentation about how to loop through current in game nodes in Apple docs.

Where do you call mapLocationSave() ?ryancrunchi
in viewDidLoad() and then after every move by the playerViktorEvil
how is self.gameScene defined ?ryancrunchi
self.view.addSubview(scnView) scnView.scene = gameSceneViktorEvil
instead of self.gameScene.rootNode.... try scnView.scene.rootNode....ryancrunchi

1 Answers


I think I have fixed it buy getting the nodes that are visible through the camera node.

let nodes = scnView.nodesInsideFrustum(of: cameraNode)
        for node in nodes {

I then save the locations at every turn.

is there a better way?