
I have used tidyr::nest to run a series of logistic regression models with different dependent variables. I want to output the results as a single html table in RMarkdown with each model as a column and the rows as exponentiated coefficients with 99% CIs. I cannot figure out the workflow between nest, tidy, and a table-rendering package like stargazer to get this to work. If I unnest my tidy output and pass it to stargazer, or if I just try to pass the nested output (the variable in the nested data frame called "model" below) to stargazer directly, I get no output. I would prefer to use the tidy output anyway because of the exponentiated coefficients and 99% CIs. I essentially need this vignette to go one step farther and explain how to use the output of nest and tidy to create formatted regression tables. I also looked at this SO post, but I find it hard to believe that there isn't an easier way to do this that I am just missing.

Sample data, along with my general approach to running the models:

id <- 1:2000
gender <- sample(0:1, 2000, replace = T)
age <- sample(17:64, 2000, replace = T)
race <- sample(0:1, 2000, replace = T)
cond_a <- sample(0:1, 2000, replace = T)
cond_b <- sample(0:1, 2000, replace = T)
cond_c <- sample(0:1, 2000, replace = T)
cond_d <- sample(0:1, 2000, replace = T)

df <- data.frame(id, gender, age, race, cond_a, cond_b, cond_c, cond_d)

df %>% gather(c(cond_a, cond_b, cond_c, cond_d), key = "condition", value = "case") %>% 
  group_by(condition) %>% nest() %>% 
  mutate(model = map(data, ~glm(case ~ gender + age + race, family = "binomial", data = .)),
         tidy = map(model, tidy, exponentiate = T, conf.int = T, conf.level = 0.99))
i don't get your question.. you can just unnest the tidy part and you get the table of regression coefficients?StupidWolf
Sorry, I am struggling to figure out how to explain my problem. I edited the post to try to be clearer about where things are breaking down for me.Kellan Baker

1 Answers


Hope I get it correct, essentially you pass the lm objects and the confidence interval separately into stargazer, using this answer from your linked question.

You can read the stargazer help page for how to input for example custom ci would require:

ci.custom: a list of two-column numeric matrices that will replace the default confidence intervals for each model. The first and second columns represent the lower and the upper bounds, respectively. Matched by element names.

So in your case, it's a little bit more work, we store the results first.

result = df %>% gather(c(cond_a, cond_b, cond_c, cond_d), key = "condition", value = "case") %>% 
  group_by(condition) %>% nest() %>% 
  mutate(model = map(data, ~glm(case ~ gender + age + race, family = "binomial", data = .)),
         tidy = map(model, tidy, exponentiate = T, conf.int = T, conf.level = 0.99))

tidy_model = result$tidy
fit = result$model

Then pull out CI and coefficients:

CI = lapply(tidy_model,function(i)as.matrix(i[,c("conf.low","conf.high")]))
Coef = lapply(tidy_model,"[[","estimate")

Then apply stargazer:

stargazer(fit, type = "text", 
  coef = Coef,
  ci.custom = CI)

                                      Dependent variable:                    
                       (1)            (2)            (3)            (4)      
gender               0.996***       1.182***       1.196***       0.921***   
                  (0.790, 1.254) (0.938, 1.489) (0.950, 1.508) (0.731, 1.161)
age                  1.004***       1.001***       0.999***       1.005***   
                  (0.995, 1.012) (0.993, 1.009) (0.990, 1.007) (0.996, 1.013)
race                 0.911***       0.895***       0.944***       1.213***   
                  (0.724, 1.148) (0.711, 1.128) (0.749, 1.189) (0.963, 1.529)
Constant             0.919***       0.997***       0.959***       0.761***   
                  (0.623, 1.356) (0.676, 1.472) (0.649, 1.415) (0.515, 1.123)
Observations          2,000          2,000          2,000          2,000     
Log Likelihood      -1,385.107     -1,382.664     -1,383.411     -1,382.272  
Akaike Inf. Crit.   2,778.215      2,773.329      2,774.821      2,772.544   
Note:                                             *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01