
One of my CloudFormation stacks is stuck in a UPDATE_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS because I attempted to remove a subnet that was no longer needed. However, this subnet apparently has some resources attached to it, including an EC2 instance and a VPC Endpoint. I cannot delete this VPC Endpoint in AWS. When I attempt to delete the VPC Endpoint, I receive this error message: enter image description here

How do I find out what dependencies this VPC Endpoint has and go about deleting it?

From what I can Google, Operation is not allowed for requester-managed VPC endpoints for the service means that AWS created this VPC endpoint for me, as part of a request for some resource. However, I have no idea which resource this VPC endpoint is tied to.

Update: the VPC Endpoint uses an ENI, but when I try to delete/detach this ENI, it says that the ENI is being used by a service and therefore cannot be deleted. enter image description here


2 Answers


As it is a requester managed VPC endpoint.

Requester-managed network interfaces

You cannot modify or detach a requester-managed network interface. If you delete the resource that the network interface represents, the AWS service detaches and deletes the network interface for you. To change the security groups for a requester-managed network interface, you might have to use the console or command line tools for that service.

You need to delete the resource which has created this vpc endpoint.


Don't you have RDS Proxy? It creates VPC Endpoint on behalf of customer.