We have a Delphi 2007 routine used to encrypt passwords in a table. The routine was originally grabbed from a CompuServe post a decade or more ago, and a significant amount of data encrypted with this routine exists.
The heart of the original routine is this:
chr(ord(Str[I]) xor not(ord(Id[I mod length(Id) + 1])));
I knew the conversion to Delphi XE would be problematic because of Unicode, so I broke that code out into a function that displays each step of the calculations in a memo:
function TfrmMain.EncodeDecode(AString: string): string;
Hash: string = '^%12h2DBC3f41~~#6093fn7mY7eujEhbFD3DZ|R9aSDVvUY@dk79*7a-|- Q';
I: Integer;
IMod: Integer;
HMod: Char;
OMod: Integer;
AStrI: Char;
OStrI: Integer;
ResultStr: string;
XOrNot: Integer;
ChrXN: AnsiChar;
Memo1.Lines.Add ('AStrI' + TAB + 'IMod' + TAB + 'HMod' +
TAB + 'OMod' + TAB + 'OStrI' + TAB + 'XOrNot' + TAB + 'ChrXN');
for I := 1 to Length (AString) do
IMod := I mod Length (Hash) + 1;
HMod := Hash [IMod];
OMod := Ord (HMod);
AStrI := AString[I];
OStrI := Ord (AStrI); // This is where things go south
XOrNot := OStrI xor not OMod;
ChrXN := AnsiChar (XOrNot);
ResultStr := ResultStr + ChrXN;
Memo1.Lines.Add (AStrI + TAB +
IntToStr (IMod) + TAB +
HMod + TAB +
IntToStr (OMod) + TAB +
IntToStr (OStrI) + TAB +
IntToStr (XOrNot) + TAB +
Memo1.Lines.Add (ResultStr);
Result := ResultStr;
Like ROT13, the same routine is used to both encrypt and decrypt. If I feed it a string like 'ABCDEFGHI', the Delphi 2007 version can take the resulting encrypted string, run it through the same routine, and get back the original string. The version in Delphi XE, however, doesn't quite work. I've made some tweaks (included above) to improve it, but on the OstrI step it falls apart. I think it has something to do with performing an Ord on a (Wide) Char, but that's the closest I can get.
Any advice greatly appreciated.
Here is the original Delphi 2007 code:
function EncodeDecode(Str: string): string;
Id: string = '^%12h2DBC3f41~~#6093fn7mY7eujEhbFD3DZ|R9aSDVvUY@dk79*7a-|- Q';
I: Integer;
for I := 1 to Length (Str) do
Str[I] := chr (ord (Str[I]) xor not (ord (Id[I mod Length (Id) + 1])));
Result := Str;
We actually have to convert this not only to Delphi XE for new versions of our existing software, but also to C# for a new web-based front end.
), which generally isn't great when dealing with the raw, binary, data. But perhaps you are aware of this and is only doing things the right way? – Andreas Rejbrand