
I have saved the DB2 username and DB2 password as 'DB2_USER' and 'DB2_PASS' in .bashrc(linux). And, I'm trying to invoke them in my python program to connect to DB2 database.

.bashrc content:

export DB2_USER="my_username"
export DB2_PASS="my_password"

My python code snippet:

db_user = os.environ.get('DB2_USER')
db_password = os.environ.get('DB2_PASS')

conn = ibm_db.connect('DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=<my_db>;HOSTNAME=<my_hostname>;PORT=50000;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=db_user;pwd=db_password','','')

while executing the above code , I'm getting the below error. May I know for any other alternative ways?

Traceback (most recent call last): File "test.py", line 38, in conn = ibm_db.connect('DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=<my_db>;HOSTNAME=<my_hostname>;PORT=50000;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=db_user;pwd=db_password','','') Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME AND/OR PASSWORD INVALID"). SQLSTATE=08001 SQLCODE=-30082

@mao Yes, I printed the db_user and db_password . And, I can see the actual values printed. Btw, my password has special chars.Tad

1 Answers


My earlier code literally took db_user & db_pass as username and password. Constructing the connection string using concatenation helped.

conn = ibm_db.connect('DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=<my_db>;HOSTNAME=<my_hostname>;PORT=50000;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;'+';UID='+db_user+';pwd='+db_pass,'','')