I'm in a single-producer/multiple-consumers scenario. Consider that each job is independent and the consumers do not communicate among them.
Could it be a good idea to create a different queue for each consumer? In that way, the producer adds jobs in each queue in a round-robin fashion and there are no delays in accessing a single queue.
Or is it better to minimize the number of queues as much as possible?
In the case of a single Queue and lots of consumers (like 20 or more), is the delay due to the synchronization access to the queue relevant?
I'm using Python 3.7 and multithreading/multiprocessing to create several Consumers. Each Consumer needs to run an executable and perform some I/O operation (write, move or copy files). I've currently developed it with multiprocessing and single queue, but I'm thinking to change the approach to multithreading and multiple queues.
Single Queue
/ ..
Producer --> [ Queue ] -- Consumer
\ ..
Multiple Queue
-> [ Queue ] -- Consumer
/ ..
Producer ----- -> [ Queue ] -- Consumer
\ ..
-> [ Queue ] -- Consumer