I have created a recurring event "Weekly Thursday Meetings", with recurrence [RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;BYDAY=TH] starting date April 08, 2021. By accident/mistake some exceptions have been added to the recurring event, for example for date April 29, 2021 and June 03, 2021. When a new attendee is added to the recurring event, invite notifications are sent out for the master event as well as for April 29 and June 03. Actually we have hundreds of exceptions created so when a new attendee is added to the guest list, the new attendee receives hundreds of invites one for each exception.
Now I need to clean up the recurring event so that when a new attendee is added to the recurring event, only one invite notification is sent, not hundreds of notifications, while the calendar still keeps the events for all the days, including April 29 2021 and June 03 2021.
This is what I tried:
I tried to cancel all the exceptions, but that triggered sending a cancelation notification for every exception (hundreds).
I also tried to delete all the exceptions.
- delete all the exceptions. All the exceptions were gone and there was no notification sent to the new attendee.
- I updated the recurring event to have only two instances with the recurrence to [RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;COUNT=2;BYDAY=TH] before April 29, 2021.
- updated the recurring event again with no expiring date [RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;BYDAY=TH] hoping to bring back the events for April 29, 2021 and June 03, 2021 as instance.
- but the events for April 29, 2021 and June 03, 2021 still appear as exceptions.
Is there any way to convert an exception back to a normal instance?