I'm running into a weird issue, working with data created by Metal shader code. I want to do additional processing in Swift, and then inject the data back to be rendered by Metal.
- Metal shader is given a MetalBuffer
- Metal shader processes vertices one by one
- Metal shader writes the result to the provided buffer
- Metal shader executes it's completion block for buffer
- Swift code receives the buffer and iterates over it, rewriting one struct into another
- Swift code writes the result to the shared buffer used for rendering
- Metal shader renders pixels at slightly wrong positions, causing flicker and graphical glitches
All structs and math is using simd_float3
How do I correctly pass struct data from Metal code to be available in Swift and pass it back? What I'm seeing is that my values get corrupted as a result of processing (some kind of floating point error - pixels get mis-aligned when drawn using the new struct).
If I assign the value directly from one buffer to the shared buffer, the points are rendered at correct locations, and no flicker happens.
#include <simd/simd.h>
struct ParticleUniforms {
simd_float3 position;
simd_float3 color;
// float confidence; // I want to get rid of this value after processing in swift
struct DisplayPoint {
simd_float3 position;
simd_float3 color;
/// Vertex shader that takes in a 2D grid-point and infers its 3D position in world-space, along with RGB and confidence.
/// Updates the passed in particleUniforms buffer, one point at a time
vertex void screenSample(uint vertexID [[vertex_id]],
constant PointCloudUniforms &uniforms [[buffer(kPointCloudUniforms)]],
device ParticleUniforms *particleUniforms [[buffer(kParticleUniforms)]],
constant float2 *cameraSamplePatternBuffer [[buffer(kGridPoints)]],
texture2d<float, access::sample> capturedImageTextureY [[texture(kTextureY)]],
texture2d<float, access::sample> capturedImageTextureCbCr [[texture(kTextureCbCr)]],
texture2d<float, access::sample> depthMap [[texture(kTextureDepth)]],
texture2d<unsigned int, access::sample> confidenceMap [[texture(kTextureConfidence)]]) {
//this is what combines and parses the data to create each point on the cloud
const auto sampledCameraPoint = cameraSamplePatternBuffer[vertexID];
const auto texCoord = sampledCameraPoint / uniforms.cameraResolution;
// Sample the color depth map to get the depth value
const auto depth = depthMap.sample(colorSampler, texCoord).r;
// With a 2D point plus depth, we can now get its 3D position
const auto position = worldPoint(sampledCameraPoint, depth, uniforms.cameraIntrinsicsInversed, uniforms.localToWorld);
// Sample Y and CbCr textures to get the YCbCr color at the given texture coordinate
const auto ycbcr = float4(capturedImageTextureY.sample(colorSampler, texCoord).r, capturedImageTextureCbCr.sample(colorSampler, texCoord.xy).rg, 1);
const auto sampledColor = (yCbCrToRGB * ycbcr).rgb;
// Sample the confidence map to get the confidence value
const auto confidence = confidenceMap.sample(colorSampler, texCoord).r;
if (confidence > 1.0) {
particleUniforms[vertexID].position = position.xyz;
particleUniforms[vertexID].color = sampledColor;
Here's the shader which is actually drawing points on the screen:
vertex ParticleVertexOut particleVertex(uint vertexID [[vertex_id]],
constant PointCloudUniforms &uniforms [[buffer(kPointCloudUniforms)]],
constant ParticleUniforms *particleUniforms [[buffer(kParticleUniforms)]]) {
// get point data
const auto particleData = particleUniforms[vertexID];
const auto position = particleData.position;
// animate and project the point
float4 projectedPosition = uniforms.viewProjectionMatrix * float4(position, 1.0);
projectedPosition /= projectedPosition.w;
ParticleVertexOut out;
out.position = projectedPosition;
const auto sampledColor = particleData.color;
out.color = float4(sampledColor, 1);
out.pointSize = 1.0 ;
return out;
in swift (both conversions produce corruption of the position, and color).
let particle: ParticleUniforms = particlesBuffer[pointIndex]
let point = DisplayPoint(position: simd_float3(particle.position.x,
color: simd_float3(particle.color.x,
// -OR -
let point = DisplayPoint(position: particle.position,
color: particle.color))
The image corruption below - when passing the original struct from one shader into another shader, all pixels align properly and there are no "holes":
it's not waiting on the GPU timeline for the callback to finish. So by the time you are writing back to the buffer, GPU is already executing next command buffer. – JustSomeGuy