
I'm attempting to pass a 'passcode' state as params in my React Native app.

I'm doing this by passing params into a 'navigation.navigate' call.

However, every time I navigate to the next screen, it's returning 'undefined' for 'route.params'.

For reference, here is my component I'm passing data FROM:

const SignUpPasscodeScreen = ({ navigation }) => {

  const [passcode, setPasscode] = useState(0)

  return (
      <View style={styles.mainView}>
        <SubLogo />
        <Heading title="Set passcode" />
        <SubHeading content="You'll need this anytime you need to access your account." />
        <Input inputText={ text => setPasscode(text) } inputValue={passcode} />
      <View style={styles.subView}>
        <CtaButton text="Continue" onPressFunction={ () => navigation.navigate({ routeName: 'SignUpLegalName', params: { passcode } } ) } />

And here's the component I'm passing data to, and where the error occurs upon navigation:

const SignUpLegalName = ({ route, navigation }) => {

  const { passcode } = route.params

  return (
      <View style={styles.mainView}>
        <SubLogo />
        <Heading title="Tell us your name" />
        <SubHeading content="This needs to be the same as what's on your passport, or any other form of recognised ID." />
        <Input />
        <Input />
      <View style={styles.subView}>
        <CtaButton text="Continue" onPressFunction={ () => navigation.navigate('SignUpLink')} />

I've tried two forms of passing the props through:

  1. Passing it in as a second argument
  2. Passing it in as a 'params' object as shown above

Both should work according to the documentation - link here

For reference, this is my route structure:

const switchNavigator = createSwitchNavigator({
  loginFlow: createStackNavigator({
    SignUpPasscode: SignUpPasscodeScreen,
    SignUpLegalName: SignUpLegalName,

The above structure doesn't say to me that it's a nested structure which therefore requires any additional work to pass it through...

Can someone help? It'd be appreciated as it's giving me a headache!

which navigation version are you using?Shahanshah Alam
React Navigation - v7.5.2Jon Nicholson
As per reactnavigation.org/versions. React native have till v5 only.Shahanshah Alam
The command 'npm --v react-navigation' outputs 7.5.2.Jon Nicholson
check version from your package.jsonShahanshah Alam

1 Answers


Have a try with below code in the button press event:

    onPressFunction={() => navigation.navigate('SignUpLegalName',{ passcode })}