I'm trying to build an app that uses PhoneGap 0.9.6 and Sencha Touch 1.1.0 for Blackberry. (The app is already running fine on iOS and Android).
Unfortunately the crucial deviceready event does not fire anymore once I include the Sencha Touch files. This is how I tested:
- Build the PhoneGap example app as described on http://www.phonegap.com/start#blackberry using the BlackBerry WebWorks Packager 2.0.0
- Edit index.html so it's shorter and add alerts in init() and deviceInfo() and run the example on the Blackberry emulator (Could not figure out how to add a code block with HTML so please go to http://pastebin.com/rUU1bDbL to see the modified code.) Everything is still working.
- Include the css and js of Sencha Touch 1.1.0: http://pastebin.com/Y4Vydby1 After that change the function deviceInfo does not get called anymore.
According to this thread a similar problem with jQuery Mobile can be solved by changing the order of the includes but every combination I tried had the same problem.
Is this a general problem? Is someone successfully using PhoneGap 0.9.6 and Sencha Touch 1.1.0 on Blackberry?