I registered an app in my Azure Active Directory, which has permissions to Azure DevOps
I downloaded the Python Flask app, through the Azure quickstart, which can also be found here: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/ms-identity-python-webapp and it worked great. However, I couldn't understand how to use the access token to also authenticate to Azure DevOps and use its REST API.
I have found this link here (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/integrate/get-started/authentication/oauth?view=azure-devops) which says to register an app on Azure DevOps but it requires an HTTPS website for the callback which I currently don't have in the development phase. I also cannot use Azure DevOps Personal Access Token since the purpose of this program is for different users to perform actions on their behalf and not to use a single account.
Is it possible to use the token acquired from Azure Active Directory and use it on Azure DevOps? and how can this be done using Flask?
Edit: I was able to get the token using Postman, however - I'm constantly getting a 203 error as can be seen here