
I registered an app in my Azure Active Directory, which has permissions to Azure DevOps

I downloaded the Python Flask app, through the Azure quickstart, which can also be found here: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/ms-identity-python-webapp and it worked great. However, I couldn't understand how to use the access token to also authenticate to Azure DevOps and use its REST API.

I have found this link here (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/integrate/get-started/authentication/oauth?view=azure-devops) which says to register an app on Azure DevOps but it requires an HTTPS website for the callback which I currently don't have in the development phase. I also cannot use Azure DevOps Personal Access Token since the purpose of this program is for different users to perform actions on their behalf and not to use a single account.

Is it possible to use the token acquired from Azure Active Directory and use it on Azure DevOps? and how can this be done using Flask?

Edit: I was able to get the token using Postman, however - I'm constantly getting a 203 error as can be seen here

How about the issue? Does the answer below resolved your question? If not, would you please let me know the latest information about this issue?Vito Liu
I have a package that works with Azure AD. You can give it a try github.com/evansmwendwa/python-socialiteEvans M.