
I have to AWS accounts - A and B.

Account A has a CodeArtifact repository set up. In account A I have created a role with TrustRelationship to account B. I have attached policies with codeartifact:* and sts:GetServiceBearerToken to this role's Permissions.

Account B has a CodePipeline with Codebuild. Codebuild is using its own Build role. Within the buildspec of the source built in the Codebuild in account B, I am trying to:

aws codeartifact login --tool npm --repository accountA-repository --domain accountA

this of course won't work because:

An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GetAuthorizationToken operation: User: arn:aws:sts::xxx:assumed-role/accountB-CodeBuildServiceRol/AWSCodeBuild-xxx is not authorized to perform: codeartifact:GetAuthorizationToken on resource: arn:aws:codeartifact:us-x::domain/accountA

I tried to assume in buildspec.yaml in the CodeBuild on account B but no luck there. Is there a way to assume role by Code Build role? Or is there a better way to give permission to CodeBuild? Tried searching but no luck finding this scenario. All samples seem to use the same account.

How do you allow CodeBuild from account B to interact with CodeArtifact from account A?


2 Answers


According to CodeBuild Documentation, CodeBuild Role can be assigned cross-account permission


Cross-account access – You can use an IAM role in your account to grant another AWS account permissions to access your account’s resources. For an example, see Tutorial: Delegate Access Across AWS Accounts Using IAM Roles in the IAM User Guide.

I suggest to check the configuration again of your Code Build ACL


For anyone struggling to find an answer for this question. Assuming the role inside the buildspec.yaml worked, but was not as straight forward. This is what I have done before calling the npm install:

- mkdir ~/.aws/ && touch ~/.aws/config
  - echo "[profile buildprofile]" > ~/.aws/config
  - echo "role_arn = $CODE_ARTIFACT_ROLE_ARN" >> ~/.aws/config
  - echo "credential_source = EcsContainer" >> ~/.aws/config
  - aws codeartifact login --tool npm --repository accountArepo --domain accountA --domain-owner xxxx --profile buildprofile

I have passed the CODE_ARTIFACT_ROLE_ARN environment variable from the CloudFormation AWS::CodeBuild::Project Resorce. I am sure you can configure it console as well.

This answer was massively useful