I currently have an RDS instance running in AWS based on mysql version 5.6. I need to update it to 5.7 and the main thing recommended is to use the major update functionality in AWS console. However, I have looked through the documentation and it seems quite complicated so I was wondering if the following procedure is a valid workaround that will achieve the same result?
- Create a new RDS instance based on mysql version 8 (can also do 5.7)
- Export data in database from original RDS instance into a dump file (using export data functionality of mysql workbench)
- Reconnect existing bastion EC2 instance to connect to new RDS instance with mysql version 8 (using mysql workbench) and access new RDS through that
- Import database from dump file created in step 2 into the new RDS instance (using import data functionality of mysql workbench)
- Configure application to use details of the new RDS instance
Is this a valid procedure? If not, what is wrong with it?