I downloaded GitHub page as .zip to my PC so I can edit it locally. I installed:
- Ruby 2.7+Devkit from this webpage https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/
- Jekyll (with bundler) according to their tutorial: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/windows/
- GitHub pages gem according to this tutorial https://kbroman.org/simple_site/pages/local_test.html
However when serving the webpage using jekyll serve
and visiting http://localhost:4000 I only saw list of directories like this: https://i.imgur.com/2vibYbv.png. So I wanted to execute bundle install
but it told me no Gemfile was found so I created one as a copy of Gemfile from default new Jekyll project. I replaced the minima
template for jekyll-theme-cayman
which is the theme of GitHub pages and then changed the jekyll version to work with it. Then I successfully bundle install
and bundle exec jekyll serve
however I still saw only the list of directories. When I checked the _site
subfolder, I saw no generated .html
as were in the new generated Jekyll project. I spent fair amount of time figuring...