I've a Powershell script (below) that extracts a list of 'AccountEnabled' Azure Active Directory (AAD) users (approx. 35k users and 13MB in file size) which runs fine on my local machine although it takes a while (approx. 10 minutes)
However, when I deploy the code to Azure Function App using Durable Functions (tried both Consumption & Premium EP1 Plan) and do a test run, it authenticates successfully but from the log, it keeps repeating "no traces within the x minutes". When I inspect the blob storage location where the file is meant to be exported to, the file size is initially around 1.4MB but after a few minutes it seems to get replaced with a file of 700kB size and then 0kB size which is weird. Left it running for hours and nothing happened.
I then modified the script to only list users where their UserPrincipalName starts with the letter 'a' and it ran fine on Azure Functions; i.e: exported approx. 3k users in about 2 minutes and the Azure Function log shows it ran successfully too.
I'm kinda new to Azure Function and not sure where's the bottleneck/issue so it will be much appreciated if someone can please shed some light on it. Thanks in advance.
Get-AzureADUser -All $true -Filter 'AccountEnabled eq true' | Select-Object DeletionTimestamp,ObjectId,
@{N="EmployeeId";E={$_.ExtensionProperty["employeeId"]} },
@{N="CreatedDateTime";E={$_.ExtensionProperty["createdDateTime"]} }
| Export-csv $FilePath -NoTypeInformation #stores results in a csv