
We are creating a PDF using xsl-fo.

I tried to use

<xsl:attribute-set name="myBorder">
    <xsl:attribute name="border-bottom">0.0254cm solid black</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:attribute name="border-right">0.0254cm solid black</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:attribute name="border-left">0.0254cm solid black</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:attribute name="border-top">0.0254cm solid black</xsl:attribute>
<fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="myBorder" height="225mm" width="195.0mm">

to generate a border till the region body end but it's not generating the way I want it.

It want it to be like this: expected output

but the border is generating only till the content not till region body end, and the output looks like this:

enter image description here

How can I produce the desired output?


1 Answers


Specify the border on the fo:region-body (see https://www.w3.org/TR/xsl11/#fo_region-body) and not on the fo:block, etc. that contains the text.