
I have a spreadsheet that pulls in data from a 3rd party source. The new data is added and appended to the same sheet everyday. I have set up a trigger onChange with the script below:

function removeDuplicates() {

var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var range = sheet.getRange("A:Z");

E.g. column A is date, column B is Name.

For example, my sheet looks like this when new data is added.

Name Date Value
John 3-Feb-21 100
Tom 3-Feb-21 200
Sam 3-Feb-21 300
John 4-Feb-21 100
Tom 4-Feb-21 200
Sam 4-Feb-21 300
Tom 4-Feb-21 201
Sam 4-Feb-21 301

The last two rows are the new entries, which will deleted if I run my current script. Is there a way to make sure that it only removes the older entries? e.g.

Name Date Value
Tom 4-Feb-21 200
Sam 4-Feb-21 300

The desired result should be:

Name Date Value
John 3-Feb-21 100
Tom 3-Feb-21 200
Sam 3-Feb-21 300
John 4-Feb-21 100
Tom 4-Feb-21 201
Sam 4-Feb-21 301

1 Answers



  • removeDuplicates starts from the top so it will remove the most recent values, but you want to keep the recent values and delete the older ones.

  • Therefore I used TextFinder to find the last rows at which each name appears.

  • You mentioned that you have an onChange trigger installed for this function. Please keep in mind that onChange trigger responds only to user changes. Namely, if a script makes changes to the file, the onChange trigger will never fire. Therefore, I would advice you to put the code of this answer to your current script that fetches data, so after the update of the data, the code will remove the duplicates.


I think your desired result should be this :

enter image description here

If that is the case, then this code will work for you:

function removeDups(){
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  const sh = ss.getSheets()[0];
  const names = sh.getRange('A2:A'+sh.getLastRow()).getValues().flat()
  const unames = [...new Set(names)];
  const fdata = [];     
        let dataFinder = sh.createTextFinder(name);         
        let res = dataFinder.findAll(); 
          let matched = sh.getRange(res[res.length-1].getRow(), 1, 1, 3).getValues();

Updated Solution:

function removeDups(){
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  const sh = ss.getSheets()[0];
  const rng = sh.getRange("A2:C"+sh.getLastRow());
  const raw_data = rng.getValues().reverse();
  const sorted_rng= sh.getRange("A2:C"+sh.getLastRow());
  const sorted_data = sorted_rng.getValues().reverse();