I am a junior developer and I was in charge of implementing the Facebook API to an existing project. However, the business team figured out that the Google Analytics results displayed on BigQuery are wrong. They asked me to fix it. This is the architecture:
What I have done is:
On BigQuery, checking how close/far are the results from Google Analytics. I found there is a pattern, the results I am getting on BigQuery are always either 1, 2 or 3 times the original value of GA.
I checked if there is actually multiple cron jobs on the Compute Engine. There is actually only 1 cron job and running once a day.
I verified the results on Google Cloud Storage. And the result on Google Cloud Storage are correct as you can see bellow:
Based on those informations, I strongly believe that the issue is coming from the Cloud Function as it's the only element between GCS and BQ. I have look at the Cloud Function that trigger files from GCS and I could not find any duplicate operations.
Do you know how can I find the issue?
Cloud Function
BUCKET = "xxxx"
"Source/Medium": "source_medium",
"Campaign": "campaign",
"Last Non-Direct Click Conversions": "last_non_direct_click_conversions",
"Last Non-Direct Click Conversion Value": "last_non_direct_click_conversion_value",
"Last Click Prio Conversions": "last_click_prio_conversions",
"Last Click Prio Conversion Value": "last_click_prio_conversion_value",
"Data-Driven Conversions": "dda_conversions",
"Data-Driven Conversion Value": "dda_conversion_value",
"% Change in Conversions from Last Non-Direct Click to Last Click Prio": "last_click_prio_vs_last_click",
"% Change in Conversions from Last Non-Direct Click to Data-Driven": "dda_vs_last_click"
"Source/Medium": "source_medium",
"Campaign": "campaign",
"Spend": "spend"
tables_schema = {
"google-analytics": [
bigquery.SchemaField("date", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.DATE, mode='REQUIRED'),
bigquery.SchemaField("week", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.INT64, mode='REQUIRED'),
bigquery.SchemaField("goal", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.STRING, mode='REQUIRED'),
bigquery.SchemaField("source", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.STRING, mode='NULLABLE'),
bigquery.SchemaField("medium", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.STRING, mode='NULLABLE'),
bigquery.SchemaField("campaign", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.STRING, mode='NULLABLE'),
bigquery.SchemaField("last_non_direct_click_conversions", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.INT64, mode='NULLABLE'),
bigquery.SchemaField("last_non_direct_click_conversion_value", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.FLOAT64, mode='NULLABLE'),
bigquery.SchemaField("last_click_prio_conversions", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.INT64, mode='NULLABLE'),
bigquery.SchemaField("last_click_prio_conversion_value", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.FLOAT64, mode='NULLABLE'),
bigquery.SchemaField("dda_conversions", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.FLOAT64, mode='NULLABLE'),
bigquery.SchemaField("dda_conversion_value", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.FLOAT64, mode='NULLABLE'),
bigquery.SchemaField("last_click_prio_vs_last_click", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.FLOAT64, mode='NULLABLE'),
bigquery.SchemaField("dda_vs_last_click", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.FLOAT64, mode='NULLABLE')
"google-analytics-spend": [
bigquery.SchemaField("date", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.DATE, mode='REQUIRED'),
bigquery.SchemaField("week", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.INT64, mode='REQUIRED'),
bigquery.SchemaField("source", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.STRING, mode='NULLABLE'),
bigquery.SchemaField("medium", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.STRING, mode='NULLABLE'),
bigquery.SchemaField("campaign", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.STRING, mode='NULLABLE'),
bigquery.SchemaField("spend", bigquery.enums.SqlTypeNames.FLOAT64, mode='NULLABLE'),
def download_from_gcs(file):
client = storage.Client()
bucket = client.get_bucket(BUCKET)
blob = bucket.get_blob(file['name'])
file_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(file['name']))
return file_name
def load_in_bigquery(file_object, dataset: str, table: str):
client = bigquery.Client()
table_id = f"{GOOGLE_PROJECT}.{dataset}.{table}"
job_config = bigquery.LoadJobConfig(
job = client.load_table_from_file(file_object, table_id, job_config=job_config)
job.result() # Wait for the job to complete.
def __order_columns(df: pd.DataFrame, spend=False) ->pd.DataFrame:
# We want to have source and medium columns at the third position
# for a spend data frame and at the fourth postion for others df
# because spend data frame don't have goal column.
pos = 2 if spend else 3
cols = df.columns.tolist()
cols[pos:2] = cols[-2:]
cols = cols[:-2]
return df[cols]
def __common_transformation(df: pd.DataFrame, date: str, goal: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
# for any kind of dataframe, we add date and week columns
# based on the file name and we split Source/Medium from the csv
# into two different columns
week_of_the_year = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d').isocalendar()[1]
df.insert(0, 'date', date)
df.insert(1, 'week', week_of_the_year)
mapping = SPEND_HEADER_MAPPING if goal == "spend" else HEADER_MAPPING
df = df.rename(columns=mapping)
df["source_medium"] = df["source_medium"].str.replace(' ', '')
df[["source", "medium"]] = df["source_medium"].str.split('/', expand=True)
df = df.drop(["source_medium"], axis=1)
df["week"] = df["week"].astype(int, copy=False)
return df
def __transform_spend(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
df["spend"] = df["spend"].astype(float, copy=False)
df = __order_columns(df, spend=True)
return df[df.columns[:6]]
def __transform_attribution(df: pd.DataFrame, goal: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
df.insert(2, 'goal', goal)
df["last_non_direct_click_conversions"] = df["last_non_direct_click_conversions"].astype(int, copy=False)
df["last_click_prio_conversions"] = df["last_click_prio_conversions"].astype(int, copy=False)
df["dda_conversions"] = df["dda_conversions"].astype(float, copy=False)
return __order_columns(df)
def transform(df: pd.DataFrame, file_name) -> pd.DataFrame:
goal, date, *_ = file_name.split('_')
df = __common_transformation(df, date, goal)
# we only add goal in attribution df (google-analytics table).
return __transform_spend(df) if "spend" in file_name else __transform_attribution(df, goal)
def main(event, context):
"""Triggered by a change to a Cloud Storage bucket.
event (dict): Event payload.
context (google.cloud.functions.Context): Metadata for the event.
file = event
file_name = download_from_gcs(file)
df = pd.read_csv(f"/tmp/{file_name}")
transformed_df = transform(df, file_name)
with open(f"/tmp/bq_{file_name}", "w") as file_object:
with open(f"/tmp/bq_{file_name}", "rb") as file_object:
table = "google-analytics-spend" if "spend" in file_name else "google-analytics"
load_in_bigquery(file_object, dataset='attribution', table=table)
Yes, the cloud function is triggered by the GCS object finalize event. Moreover, the function won't be automatically retried on failure.
I am following your suggestions and I am now checking the log table on my Cloud Function page. On the last 10 lines of logs data, it seems that 3 different instances of the Cloud Function were run. I am not able to get more details when I am expanding each lines.
I am also going to check BigQuery logs now. I guess the easiest solution would be to use BigQueryAuditMetadata
and get logs about when the table was updated?