I have a function that creates multiple network plots using the igraph package and stores the networks in a list (g.list is the final output).
The function looks like this - and uses a list of dataframes (nodes and edges) to create the networks.
network.fun <- function(nodes, edges){
g <- graph_from_data_frame(d = edges, vertices = nodes, directed = FALSE)
V(g)$color <- ifelse(V(g)$Treatment == "Water", ff.1[3], ff.1[4])
w1 <- rescale(E(g)$weight, to = c(0,10))
m1 <- layout_nicely(g)
plot(g, vertex.label.color = "black",
edge.color = 'dark grey', edge.width = w1,
layout = m1, vertex.size = 24, vertex.label.font=2,
vertex.label.dist=2.3, vertex.label.degree=4.3)
g.list <- map(out.list, ~ network.fun(nodes = .x$nodes, edges = .x$edges))
I want to know if it is possible to save each plot as a png file as it is created. I have 108 plots that are created and so would also like the plots to be named according to the nodes/edges dataframe name used to create them.